Monday, March 24, 2008

Anonymous Invaders !

I don't know where the thought came from .. but it's true ! so true indeed .. when you're just in a nut .. trouble or an agony ! going here and there ! looking for a way out ! sometimes you can just find some people who pop in your life suddenly ! how? when? where and why ??? .. unanswerable questions ! but those people simply invade your life with no permission .. they come to show a side of life you've never seen before .. a good side ! a side you've never tasted before ! coming with a message that loudly says "Life never stops at a certain point" ! "Still there's always mOre good to go through" ! and yet you don't know where they are sent from ! and actually you don't care to know about it.. all you're thinking of is how to stick to such a saver ! This saver who is coming with a change ! a change of thought .. a change of some silly concepts in your life .. a change of how you view things .. A CHANGE OF LIFE ! isn't it ?

mmm .. Shortly, I just wanted to say that destiny sometimes gifts us with those beautiful people throughout our way .. those who really positively affect our lives .. those who add even if little .. those who really make a change! doesn't necessarily be a big one but they did ! even if they are only here to put a smile on your face .. they did something !! indeed they did ! so thanks for those people who invade .. thanks for the destiny who puts them in our way !

Try to accept changes in your life and always remember that LIFE GOES ON ! Isn't it true ?


Anonymous said...

yes Roz.. it's soOo true.. But we should know when to Open our heart safely nd when not to do.. as it's a Chance as u said ..!

Ahmad Hegab said...

yes there is always more good to go through ..

Anonymous said...

Well written article.

Omar said...
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